Seymour History Bulletin March 2010
March 28th, 2010
Spring is Here
Welcome to the spring edition of the Seymour History Bulletin. This issue provides the reader with a brief history of the Seymour Community Historical Society and a preview of the activities coming this summer. You will also find more information about the new museum building project, a review of Lynn Koenigs’ book, and numerous historical articles with an emphasis on the fire at the Hotel Falck (Present Hotel Seymour) in 1923. Ellen Piehl’s interview with Charlie Jenkins describes area life during the 1930s and 40s and much more.
Historical Society Incorporated in 1975
In 1975 Tom Duffey, Rita Gosse, Lois Dalke and several other Seymour residents had the idea to organize a historical society. The bicentennial of our nation was coming up and these forward thinking people wanted to do something to preserve local history. The articles of incorporation state that, “The purposes should be exclusively educational and specifically shall be to collect and preserve records and physical objects relating to the history of Seymour and surrounding area. To this end the corporation may establish and operate a local history museum, a local history library and one or more historic sites...” The society was granted 501 (c) (3) tax-free status. Tom Duffey, Rita Gosse, and Bill Collar signed the original articles.
Museum Established
Several meetings were held, the organization was incorporated under the guidelines of the state historical society, and the railroad depot was obtained to serve as a museum. A wide range of people put in many hours renovating and converting the depot into a community museum. Generous citizens contributed items to display and many people made financial contributions. As the mission of the historical society grew, the depot became too small and the Miller-Piehl office building was converted to meet the needs of the society.
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