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November 16th, 2016

Thank You for Your Support

The Seymour Community Historical Society needs your help to preserve local history and to continue to offer activities for adults and children in the Seymour area. Every donation helps us meet our goal and is greatly appreciated. The purpose of our newsletter is to keep our members informed of exhibits, activities and progress at the museum and the vital role the historical society fills in the community. Our members are our most valuable asset. We cannot play a viable role without your support. Please use the form at the end of this publication to make a donation to the society this holiday season.

Christmas Open House December 3rd
In this issue you will be updated on society activities during the summer and have a preview of things to come including our Kids' Christmas open house on December 3th. Generous donors enable the society to do unique things such as providing 75 complimentary presents, wrapped in Christmas paper, for Santa to distribute. All the water and soda for the summer music program is provided by thoughtful members. Sponsors make it possible to feature exhibits that promote greater appreciation for the arts, social, and cultural history. We truly are a "Community" society.

Exciting Articles
In this issue you will find part two of history buff and society backer, Ralph Melchert's article about the importance and decline of the railroad in Seymour. Lynn Koenigs steps back in time with a visit to Al and Jean Timm's residence as they share memories and items from the past. Diane DuFour relates how her family and eventually the museum came to possess many original items from Hamburger Charlie's stand.
Volunteers Make it Happen
Please note that even though you may have received previous newsletters via the Internet, this printed copy includes an envelope suitable for returning a donation to help the society meet our financial obligations. The philosophy of the Board of Directors is to have a vibrant organization with numerous activities and changing exhibits. All museum workers are volunteers and 100% of your gift is used at the local level. We appreciate your assistance. All donations should be sent to PO Box 237, Seymour, WI 54167.
Highlights of the Annual Meeting

A capacity crowd gathered in the meeting room of the Seymour Community Museum to witness Jessica Michna's portrayal of Helen Keller. It was her third appearance in Seymour, previously appearing as Mary Todd Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt. Her dynamic program, about an hour in duration, received a standing ovation by the inspired audience.
Michna began her impression by quoting from a speech Keller gave to the International Lions Convention in 1925. After several minutes speaking as Keller and imitating her voice, she stepped out of character and described Keller's struggles from childhood until her death in 1968. She emphasized the role Anne Sullivan played as Helen Keller's teacher and how they traveled the nation giving speeches and being advocates for those with special needs. In spite of being deaf and blind, Keller authored eleven books and was a co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Former museum board member Marge Coonen summed up Michna's program. "She was very informative and an absolutely wonderful speaker." Others commented on her ability to portray such a wide variety of historical personalities without using notes or any script.
In the business session of the annual meeting, Bill Collar, John Koenigs and Karen Kuske were elected to three year terms on the Seymour Historical Society Board of Directors. It was a fun afternoon for those in attendance. Members of the historical society served homemade pies, cookies, cakes and bars.
High School Student Art Show
Ten high school seniors, under the direction of teacher Tina Harpold, displayed their creations at the museum during the last week of April and early May. The exhibition was attended by 115 people. The students were present for the grand opening and visitors enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the artists. It was a great opportunity for the students to share their works with the community. The display included different types of art including paintings, charcoal sketches, and ceramics. Senior students who had their work on display include: Victoria Majeski, Matt Eisch, Ian Hanseter, Cassie Piette, Abigail Coonen, Sadie Schinke, Michaela Thurow, Jaclyn Zahn, Jacob DeGroot, MiKayla Langteau, Anna Schenk, Roland Vandehei, III, Markus Hamm, Louisa Mehojah, Miranda Moeller, Julia Stadler, Amanda Shepard and Scott Kosbab.
Members of the historical society served snacks and refreshments. Plans are to make the senior art show at the museum an annual event. A special "Thank You" to board member Karen Coonen and high school art teacher Tina Harpold for coordinating the program. The school and historical society plan to make this an annual event.
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