November 12th, 2019
A Message from the Board of Directors
The purpose of our newsletter is to keep our members informed of exhibits, activities and progress at the museum and the vital role the historical society fills in the community. Our members are our most valuable asset. We cannot play a viable role without your support. Please use the form at the end of this publication to make a donation to the society this holiday season.
Christmas Open House and Kids' Christmas December 7th
Families are invited to the museum between 10:00 and noon on Saturday, December 7th for the Christmas open house. This year's theme is a "A North Pole Christmas." Janice Eick and her sisters Jean and Joan, have done an outstanding job decorating the museum for Christmas.
The second floor has been turned into a North Pole scene with numerous decorated trees and winter scenes. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus will be on hand to greet visitors and distribute holiday cheer. The first 100 children will receive a free gift courtesy of a generous donor. Consistent with the North Pole theme, children have the opportunity to play with the Santa train, vintage toys and take home holiday crafts. Hot chocolate and Christmas cookies add to the holiday cheer. This is an excellent opportunity to treat the children or grandchildren and tour the festive museum.
Volunteers Make it Happen
Please note that even though you may have received previous newsletters via the Internet, this printed copy includes an envelope suitable for returning a donation to help the society meet our financial obligations. The philosophy of the Board of Directors is to have a vibrant organization with numerous activities and changing exhibits. All museum workers are volunteers and 100% of your gift is used at the local level. We appreciate your assistance. All donations should be sent to PO Box 237, Seymour, WI 54167.
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