April 23rd, 2014
Annual Meeting and Celebration – May 3
Help us celebrate another successful year by attending the annual meeting of the Historical Society at Doxbee’s on Saturday, May 3. This year the Society is doing something special by having a noon luncheon, music, raffles, displays, and a guest MC, John Maino. The theme for the day is “Seymour Salutes the Green Bay Packers.” Many Seymour area people have had Packer season tickets for years and have collected many Packer related items. You are encouraged to bring your Packer historical objects to Doxbee’s and put them on display for everyone to enjoy. This is a great opportunity to see Super Bowl Rings, Vintage Programs, Autographed Jerseys, etc. Items of considerable value will be placed under glass or a private table will be provided for the owners.
John Maino
John Maino has many ties to the Seymour area going back to 1988 when he was the guest host and announcer for the first Burger Fest. He even participated in the ketchup slide competition. A well known radio and television announcer, John is also held in high regard for his support of veterans and charitable causes. As an established author, he has written several books and produced documentaries about American troops in combat. John will have his books available for purchase.
For “Seymour Salutes the Green Bay Packers,” John puts on his Packer hat and draws upon his many years of experience as an analyst to provide insight to the coming season. With a keen interest in history, John looks forward to hearing your stories about your first Packer game, a memorable moment, and Seymour’s ties to the Packer experience.
The Game Plan
10:30 Doors Open – Music and Displays – Wear your Packer apparel.
Historical society member and Packer Fan Hall of Fame runner-up Greg Marnocha will give you a warm welcome. Historical society members Ted and Bobbi Jo Eisenreich will have their Super Bowl Rings on display.
11:30 Indoor Tailgate Party - Burgers and brats, potato salad, beans, chips,
cash bar, etc.
12:30 Program: Welcome and introduction of guests – Bill Collar, president
f the Seymour Community Historical Society will Introduce special guest, local sports personality and Packer analyst John Maino. John will interview Seymour residents who are employed by the Packers, discuss your most memorable Packer experiences, share his NFL experiences, and ask and answer questions.
Advance tickets are available at Don’s or the Dairy Queen during business hours or at the Museum on Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00. You can also purchase tickets at the advance price from a member of the Museum Board of Directors. Tickets are $15.00 in advance and $20.00 at the door. Children 12 and under are $10.00. Any proceeds from raffles and ticket sales go toward the museum operating fund.
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