May 26th, 2018
Annual Meeting May 5th Features Dolley Madison
The annual meeting of the Seymour Community Historical society will be held Saturday, May 5 with a return visit from popular actress Jessica Michna who will portray Dolley Madison. This will be an exceptional program. Circle the date, May 5 at 1:00. Her performance will follow a brief business meeting. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. The program is open to the public.
Dolley Madison – “The Lady Who Saved Washington”
Charming, flamboyant and strong willed, Dolley was tested in the calamity of the War of 1812. Born into a Quaker family, Dolley was raised to be obedient and well behaved. Early in her life she married a man selected by her father. Dolley would soon be strengthened by adversity. Widowed at an early age she would soon be courted by Congressman James Madison. As First Lady, Dolley would become the Grand Dame of Washington.
Outstanding Program with Jessica Michna
Jessica Michna, recipient of the Presidential Service Center's Distinguished Service Award, has become widely known for her riveting portrayals of First Ladies and other historic women as well as her fictitious characters. She has entertained groups throughout America including guests from as far away as New Zealand, Japan and Brazil. Audiences ranging from young children to senior citizens have been equally enthralled. She has appeared before historical societies, schools, libraries, living history museums, senior centers, churches, and has been guest hostess at parties and weddings.
Mrs. Michna’s performances are compelling and emotionally enthralling. Audiences laugh along with her humorous anecdotes. They share in her tears as she relates how the horrors of war have impacted families. She has a powerful effect on an audience. Once they have seen one of her characters they can't wait to see the next one.
Back by popular demand, this is Jessica's fourth appearance in Seymour. Her portrayals of Mary Todd Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt and Helen Keller were exceptional. Be prepared for another outstanding program.
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