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NEW MUSEUM UPDATE New Museum Building Project
By Bill Collar

It seems the most common question is, “How is the new museum project coming?” It is encouraging to see the interest in the new building and it is important that our membership comprehends the progress and challenges that we have faced. The purpose of this article is to communicate what has taken place and to explain future plans by answering the most commonly asked questions.

When will we start building the new museum?

We intended to break ground this fall, but because of a number of factors, the start date must be delayed. We have incurred several unexpected costs such as site preparation and meeting the requirements for public buildings. After the bids were analyzed, it became apparent we overestimated the in-kind contributions and several anticipated donations haven’t materialized. Consequently, we are still several hundred thousand dollars short of our minimum goal of 1.2 million. The steering committee is committed to having available the full cost of the building and contents plus a minimum $100.000.00 reserve fund before starting the project.

What is the value of the building fund?

The historical society has about $400,000.00 on deposit and additional pledges that bring the total to slightly over $800,000.00. A complete list of all donations is included in this publication.

What is the projected cost of the project?

The cost of the building will be under $900,000, contents $200,000, and a minimum reserve fund of $100,000.00.

Have changes been made to the original plan?

Yes, originally the building was to be 40’ x 70’ with three stories including the basement. After a thorough study, the new, improved plan is two stories 60’ x 70’ with no basement.

Why not build a smaller, less expensive building?

The plan is to build for the future with a low maintenance facility that will serve many generations. It will be an all brick, humidity controlled building, with museum quality lighting, temperature control, security system, fire prevention, and it will utilize the latest technology for exhibits.

What is the plan to raise the balance needed?

We will continue our campaign to raise additional funds. Greater emphasis is being placed on recognizing donors and how contributors can memorialize an individual, family, or business. An appeal is being made to foundations and organizations that support community projects.

What can I do?

Please consider making a donation or supplementing your previous gift. You can also help convince others to contribute. Thank you for your support!

How will donors be recognized?

When entering the building the visitor will notice a large plaque listing all the donors in categories from $100.00 up to $100,000.00 plus. Anyone contributing $2,500.00 or more will also have their name or their family name discreetly displayed on a picture or exhibit listing them as the sponsor. Prior to the completion of the building, all donors of over $100.00 toward the building fund will be contacted for final approval of proper wording and recognition. Listed below are the levels of giving and the recognition associated with each. All donors of $100.00 or more will have their name listed on the large plaque that will welcome visitors to the museum.

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