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    ANNUAL MEETING MAY 2016 A capacity crowd gathered in the meeting room of the Seymour Community Museum to witness Jessica Michna's portrayal of Helen Keller. It was her third appearance in Seymour, previously appearing as Mary Todd Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt. Her dynamic program, about an hour in duration, received a standing ovation by the inspired audience.

    Michna began her impression by quoting from a speech Keller gave to the International Lions Convention in 1925. After several minutes speaking as Keller and imitating her voice, she stepped out of character and described Keller's struggles from childhood until her death in 1968. She emphasized the role Anne Sullivan played as Helen Keller's teacher and how they traveled the nation giving speeches and being advocates for those with special needs. In spite of being deaf and blind, Keller authored eleven books and was a co-founder of the American Civil Liberties Union.

    Former museum board member Marge Coonen summed up Michna's program. "She was very informative and an absolutely wonderful speaker." Others commented on her ability to portray such a wide variety of historical personalities without using notes or any script.

    In the business session of the annual meeting, Bill Collar, John Koenigs and Karen Kuske were elected to three year terms on the Seymour Historical Society Board of Directors. It was a fun afternoon for those in attendance. Members of the historical society served homemade pies, cookies, cakes and bars.

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