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TRAFFIC PROBLEMS - EARLY 1900'SThe next three articles from the early 1900’s point out that whether traveling by horse and buggy, automobile, bicycle or on foot, a person risked injury. Imagine what it was like when a slow moving buggy was passed by an automobile travelling 15 – 20 miles per hour. As the picture shows, Main Street was dirt and in the spring mud was a major problem.

Osborn Farmer has Close Call
Nearly Loses His Life in Runaway at Seymour
Frank Kretsch Thrown Under Vehicle and Has three Others Piled on top of Him – Badly Injured
Appleton Post 11/24/1904

Frank Kretsch of the town of Osborn is in critical condition as the result of a runaway at Seymour. While driving through the principal street a runaway team overtook him and caused his team to run away. The two teams startled two others that were tied to hitching posts.

The four teams dashed down the street at the utmost speed. Kretsch was the only person in the vehicles. His team finally got the lead and after going some distance ran into an obstruction.

The driver was thrown under the demolished wagon. The other vehicles were on him in an instant, landing in a heap.
Assistance soon arrived and Mr. Kretsch was finally rescued. He was unconscious and so remained for some time. A physician was summoned, who has hopes of his recovery.

Automobile Accident
Seymour Press 07/07/1904

Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Uecke, of Cumberland, Wis., are visiting relatives and friends here. They came part of the way in their automobile and by train part of the way on account of the bad roads in Clark County.

On the fourth while Mr. and Mrs. Uecke and Herbert McMullen were riding at the rate of fifteen miles an hour on Pearl Street, the front axle of the automobile broke, throwing all out except Mr. Uecke, landing them a distance of about twenty-five feet.

The chances are that the three who were thrown out would have been going yet if they had not landed sooner. No one was injured beyond a few scratches, but the automobile was considerably damaged and was taken to Lotter Brothers shop where it is being repaired.

Dangerous Crossing
Seymour Press 01/01/1900

Those who ride in buggies or bicycles or in any vehicle should always remember that in crossing the street or highway the person on foot has the right of the way. The law says so, and if you injure a pedestrian by careless riding or driving you are responsible. No one is required to run across the street to keep out of the way of vehicles.

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