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    WISCONSIN REMEMBERSWisconsin Public Radio, Wisconsin Public Television and the Wisconsin Veterans Museum are pleased to share Wisconsin Remembers: A Face for Every Name - a traveling exhibit that features a photo for each of the 1,161 Wisconsinites officially listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The exhibit also includes additional photos for names that are listed on The Highground Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Neillsville, WI. Wisconsin Remembers is a tribute to lost life and lost potential.

    Photos Gathered for Eight Years
    The photos were collected by volunteers from throughout Wisconsin over the past eight years. Friends and family of those who were killed in Vietnam submitted photos, but so did students, teachers and others who simply wanted to put a face to the names listed on the Wall in Washington, D.C. The images they found will help tell the story of the men and women who are listed on the Wall as part of a new Education Center the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is building on the National Mall. Wisconsin was just the fifth state in the nation to find a photo for every resident listed on the Wall.

    Tom Mueller of Seymour
    The Seymour Community Museum is one of the first to host this traveling exhibit. Tom Mueller, of Seymour is one of the many soldiers honored. Tom learned that one of his friends was lying injured in enemy territory. He did not hesitate to volunteer to try and evacuate his friend. While he provided cover by rushing the enemy position and attacking with his machine gun, other members of the squad were able to rescue the wounded man. During this heroic effort, Sgt. Tom Mueller died. An enemy bullet took his life on the jungle floor in Vietnam. He had been scheduled to come home in April. Sgt. Tom Mueller received two bronze stars for bravery including a Bronze Star (Second Oak Leaf Cluster) for his heroism that day.
    An exhibit honoring Sgt. Mueller is on permanent display in the Seymour Community Museum.

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