Thanks to the cooperation of Seymour area merchants and organizations, your historical society arranged to have music in the Gazebo in Nagel Part for 14 Wednesday evenings this summer. Society members John and Lynn Koenigs of the Party Band , did another great job providing a variety of music. Please support the merchants that bring the music to Seymour.
August 24th was veteran's night featuring Bernie's Polka Band from Pulaski. Pictured is the color guard from Seymour American Legion Post 106. Alaina Duffy is singing the National Anthem.
Our sponsors:
American Family Insurance
Baylake Bank
Bakula, Ken - NY Life
BMO Harris Bank
Chase Bank
Cheezy Jim’s Pizza (In Memory)
Community First - Nichols
Coonen Inc.
Countryside Photographers
Don’s Quality Market
DQ Grill and Chill
Edward Jones Investments
Family Insurance Center
First National Bank
Friends of the Library
Good Shepherd Services Ltd.
Garrow Oil and Propane
Home of the Hamburger, Inc.
Hotel Seymour
Huettl Bus, Inc.
J J’s Auto Clinic, Inc.
Krabbe’s Kountry Klub
Lakeside Foods
Lubinski, Reed, & Klass
Marcks Trucking & Excavating
Menn Law Firm, Ltd.
Performance Pallet Corp.
Seymour Lions
Subway of Seymour
Trackside Gas and Conv. Store
Truyman, Haase, Zahn, Insurance
Ver Voort Construction - Shiocton