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NEW EXHIBITS AT THE MUSEUM THIS SUMMER 2019 New Exhibits at the Museum this Summer

Muehl-Boettcher Exhibit Featuring a Hologram of Philip Muehl
The Muehl family came to Seymour in the mid 1860s. Philip Muehl started a furniture store in 1867. The Muehl furniture store consisted of three buildings on Main and Factory Streets. The primary store, two stories and 22 x 72 feet, located on the west side of central Main Street was a Seymour landmark for many years. In 1873 he added casket making and an undertaking service to his thriving business.
This unique exhibit, through the use of cutting edge hologram technology, brings Philip Muehl back to life. He relates a brief history of the business and tells how a beautiful glass-sided funeral carriage was set on fire by over-zealous local men celebrating the end of World War Two. Mr. Muehl served as city treasurer and treasurer of the school board. He resided on Factory Street, one block east of Main.
Balance Studios, a nationally known museum exhibit development company, produced this custom made display for the Seymour Community Historical Society. The project was made possible through a generous donation by Kurt and Debbie Boettcher. This is a must see for all history buffs.

Seymour History Timeline

Many of our members realize that the Town of Seymour celebrated its sesquicentennial in 2018. But how many people understand when other significant events took place in Seymour History? Thanks to assistance from Steve Kemp of Countryside Photography, a Seymour History Timeline is now on display at the museum. The eight foot long display includes 31 pictures of Seymour located above 15 world events.
This arrangement provides the viewer with a quick perspective on when local events took place relative to world occurrences. For example, the museum visitor can readily see that the Seymour Fire Department started in 1910, slightly after Henry Ford introduced the Model T. Or that Seymour Lake opened in 1962 when John Kennedy was President of the United States. Visit the museum to see the exhibit and brush up on local and world history.

Hotel Seymour Exhibit Continues to Grow

Since the original architectural drawings (1898) of the hotel were mounted in the museum, Corky and Patti Dethardt donated a wood carving made by Clyde VanVuren while the Dethardts owned and operated the business from 1994 to 2009.
Countryside Photography produced a reduced sized version of the mural painted by "Ole" Olson that graces the north wall of the hotel barroom. The painting caricaturizes fourteen of the hotel's patrons during the 1960s. While there is some debate as to the identity of each, a list passed on to Tom Jackson is accepted as fairly accurate. Once again, the historical society is thankful to Steve Kemp for his expert work on this project.

Site developed by: Balance Interactive Studios
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