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    NEW HOTEL EXHIBIT AT THE MUSEUM This summer, Tom Jackson owner of the Hotel Seymour, obtained the original architectural drawings of the hotel dating back to 1898. He donated the art work to the Seymour Community Historical Society. Mike Keyzers, vice president of the society, contacted his brother in law, Ken Winius owner of the Print Center in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He cleaned up the originals and enlarged them to make a remarkable display showing the inner workings of the Hotel Falck, as it was known for about fifty years.

    The drawings show a number of views of the exterior and a detailed description of each floor. Originally the basement contained a barber shop with an entry from Wisconsin Street. First floor featured a saloon, dining area, kitchen, billiard hall, card room, coat room, sample room, office and ladies parlor. The upper floor consisted of a parlor, sitting room and twenty-four sleeping rooms with one public "toilet room." There was also one larger room with a wash basin, toilet and tub.

    Perhaps the most impressive part of the collection is a beautiful color painting of the exterior. The six foot by seven foot exhibit is on permanent display in the museum. The Museum is open on Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00 until Christmas. Admission to the museum is free. Donations are appreciated.

    More facts about the hotel that are included in the exhibit:

    Hotel Falck
    Completed in 1898, the Hotel Falck was described in the Industrial Review of 1900 as having “metropolitan magnificence." The review went on to say:
    “The hotel is built of red brick, two stories and basement high, 50 x 100 feet. The basement contains a barbershop, public bathrooms, storage rooms, heating apparatus, laundry, etc. The first floor is devoted to the office, parlor, dining room, kitchen, lavatory, bar room, sample rooms and servants’ quarters.
    The second floor contains some thirty sleeping rooms, all richly furnished. The house is finished in maple and southern pine. Water and light are furnished from private plants, and the entire house is steam heated. The table accords with the superior air that pervades the entire hotel. It is first-class and the service is prompt and attentive.”

    George Falck
    George Falck, who came to Seymour in 1881, was the first owner of the building. An enterprising man, Falck operated the hotel for over thirty years. He was succeeded by his son, Grover, who ran the hotel until the late 1940s.
    Mr. Falck was postmaster in Seymour four years. He was on the common council two years and served the city four consecutive years as mayor. For sixteen years he was foreman of the volunteer fire department. He acted as secretary of the Odd Fellows Lodge for 26 years, was trustee of the fair association since its origin, and was a stockholder and director of the State Bank of Seymour.

    A Gathering Place
    Throughout its history the hotel has continued to be a major gathering place for the community and a purveyor of fine food and drink. In the late 1940s the Falck family sold it to Dr. L.H. Sieb and Leonard Nelson. During this time the facility was referred to as "Hotel Nelson".
    The hotel was managed by Mr. Nelson until the 1951 purchase by Dr. Vernon Hittner. His improvement program included a revamping of the whole kitchen before he sold it to a corporation of non-local men.
    Other significant owners of the hotel include Claude and Doris Peotter, Dale "Corky" and Patti Dethardt, and Tom Jackson.

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