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    SEYMOUR CITY PROBLEMS - 1900Town Killers
    Seymour Press 02/08/1900

    Town Killers are classified into branches as follows: First, those who go out of town to do their shopping; second, those who are opposed to improvements; third, those who prefer a quiet town to one of push and enterprise; fourth, those who Fix up Your Sidewalks
    Seymour Press 4/27/1899

    There are a lot of miserable poor sidewalks in this city that must be repaired or rebuilt. It is not pleasant for the street commissioner or city marshal to give people notice to fix their walks and it is not pleasant for you to receive a notice, but if they are in poor shape, the notice will be given just the same. The best way is for each property holder to keep their walks in shape so that the officers will not be compelled to look after the walks. If a person is injured on a poor walk, the city is responsible for damages. Fix up your walks before you receive notice to do it.

    This Interests You
    Seymour Press June 8, 1899

    Do you like your town? If so, you will help to support its business institutions. Do you have any concern for its future? If so, you will encourage every movement looking to the upbuilding of the town. Would you like to see it grow and prosper and extend its trade and influence? If so, you will speak a good word for the town and the people at every opportunity. You will lend assistance to its industries and patronize them.

    Trim Your Trees
    Seymour Press July 13, 1899

    In many parts of the city shade trees overhang the sidewalks so as to interfere with public traffic. There is a city ordinance prohibiting this and the owners of those trees should be made to trim them to proper height
    imagine they own the town; fifth, those who deride public spirited men; sixth, those who oppose every movement that does not originate with them; seventh, those who oppose every movement that does not appear to benefit them; eighth, those who seek to injure the credit or reputation of individuals.

    Loon Lake Club Organized
    Seymour Press 02/08/1900

    Loon Lake met and organized a club and named it “Loon Lake Outing Club,” and the name of the camp is “Camp All-awhile. Officers were elected as follows: W. B. Comee, president; George Falck, vice-president; H. J. VanVuren secretary and treasurer. The club will endeavor to have the state plant a lot of young fish in the lake.

    The Business Man’s Burden
    Seymour Press 02/08/1900

    Probably one of the worst burdens the business man is requested to put up with is the numerous calls from people having something that he does not want. There is scarcely a day but what he has a subscription paper shoved under his nose, or something equally as bad. Then comes the faker to pull his leg, and then the raffle ticket shark and so on.

    If the business man informs these parties that he doesn’t care to invest or donate, or that he can’t afford to, he is usually set down for a stingy chump, when he really can’t afford it, but the bore has no sympathy and usually sticks to his victim until he gets him. The only remedy we know of to escape this menace is to meet the parties and if they have something you don’t want, is to say a great big NO! and say it as if it was meant. That’s what we do and it works all right.

    Seymour has been overrun with these things for some time and it is high time for a halt. Many people imagine that the business men are overloaded with money. This is a sad mistake, as we positively know that the majority of Seymour business men have hard work to make both ends meet.

    The Crows Win
    Seymour Press 02/08/1900

    Yesterday while Perry Winters was shooting at crows with a Winchester rifle, the barrel of the gun exploded, blowing the gun all to pieces. Mr. Winters was not hurt, only being scratched in the face and hands. The crows still live.

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