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    Life in Seymour in 1918

    Life in Seymour in 1918Life in Seymour in 1918
    Over 100 years ago Seymour was a thriving incorporated city of about 1,200 residents. Since most people did not have automobiles and roads to Green Bay and Appleton remained unpaved, the local merchants filled the needs of the growing population. Electricity, for those who could afford it, was a newly developed luxury, municipal water was years away and sanitation was poor. The businesses in the community catered to the surrounding agricultural economy featuring farm equipment, stock shipping, grain storage, a feed mill, a creamery and canning factory.

    Four grocery stores, a meat market and numerous variety and clothing stores met the needs of the homemaker. Depot Street was a busy place as the Green Bay and Western Railroad served the local residents with up to six trains a day stopping at the depot. With the opening of the Seymour Auditorium in 1916, minstrel shows, lyceums, plays, musical productions and even basketball games provided entertainment. Everyone looked forward to the fair that brought in thousands of people from all over northeastern Wisconsin for agricultural displays and entertainment. Five churches of various denominations served the religious needs of the people.

    Many area young men volunteered or were drafted to serve in the Great War (WWI). Six months before the armistice the Spanish Flu (la grippe) broke out and claimed the lives of several Seymour residents. (The following articles are from the 1918 Seymour Press)

    Alien Females
    The registration of German alien females will begin Monday, June 10 and end Wednesday, June 26 in cities of over 5,000 residents. It will be conducted by police officials. In cities and municipalities under 5,000 the task will be handled by postmasters.
    In general the plan of registration is the same that was followed in February in the registration of German alien males. Each person will also be required to register her fingerprints. This method of registration is also used in the military and naval services of the United States.

    A War Letter From Sherman
    France May 12, 1918
    "Just a few cheerful words to you today as it is a day of all days, it being set aside as Mother's Day and all of us boys were promised that if we wrote a letter to our Mothers on this day that they would be sent thru faster than other mail.
    But let us hope that before one year from now, we will have conquered our enemies.
    It is true, we are a long way from home, and perhaps you think of it often, but we are going to rid the world of one of the greatest menaces to all mankind and make it a safer place to live.
    Never in my life have I felt better or looked better than I do now. So above all things don't worry about me as I am as good off as if I were at home.
    I have often remarked since coming across, that if our mothers could see us just as we are now, they would not worry about us boys as the good old USA never forgets when it comes to clothes and eats. They have got another guess coming when they think they can stop our boats from sailing across the old Atlantic.
    Will close for now with best wishes for your good health, and a quick return of us soldier boys. I am as ever
    Your son,
    Sergt. Irwin C. Sherman
    M.T. Co. 318 M.S.T. 405

    Music Lessons
    Mrs. Genevieve Hittner will be giving music and voice lessons at her house on South Main Street.

    Additional Locals
    For Sale: Big Bargains. Several used organs $16.00 to $25.00. Excellent piano nearly new only $165.00. Beautiful $550.00 player piano nearly new $385.00 All above fully guaranteed. Write for particulars.
    Fisher Bros. First National Bank Bldg.
    Appleton, Wis.

    Postage rates from Great Britain to the United States have been increased from two cents to three cents for the first ounce and two cents for each ounce thereafter. Recently the United States raised its postage rate from this country to Great Britain from two to three cents an ounce to conform with the new rate for domestic mail service
    Both parties contemplating matrimony are obliged to appear before the county clerk or notary public authorized to take oaths, to procure a license , according to a new ruling made by the attorney general, received by county clerk Wolk. Heretofore only one of the parties has been required to appear and make application for a license.

    Food Administration
    The Food Administration has sent out through all State administrators a warning to all corn, barley and oats millers and to wholesale and retail dealers in the products that at the present prices corn meal and oat meal should be selling at least 20 per cent below the price of wheat flower and that corn flour and barley flour should be selling at least 10 per cent below wheat flour.

    Nurses Needed
    Women between the ages of 21 and 35 who have an high school education or its equivalent, will be eligible for admission to the Army School of Nursing, arrangements for which were recently made by the War Department. It is intended to start several schools in selected military hospitals. Unless otherwise specified, applications should be sent directly to the Army School of Nursing, office of the Surgeon General of the United States Army, Washington, D.C.
    Now is the time to get your fertilizer for your cabbage.
    R. Kuehne

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