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2025 News



    SUMMER ACTIVITIESMusic in the Park

    It was another successful summer as over 3,000 people enjoyed the eleven concerts in the park. Members of the historical society extend a sincere “Thank you” to Seymour area merchants who make music possible. It takes many volunteers to organize and produce the summer long program. A huge thank you for the members of the historical society who contributed their time, popping popcorn, filling coolers, selling concessions, distributing raffle tickets, organizing the programs, and preparing the site for the performances. Special appreciation is extended to host Mike Keyzers and 50/50 raffle seller Dan Beilfuss.
    The society sponsored a corn roast and the Home of the Hamburger provided free hamburgers to over 400 people during the veterans’ night tribute. The concession stand and restrooms in the new museum were put to good use.

    Burger Fest

    People who attended the 24th annual Burger Fest enjoyed the opportunity to visit the new museum. It was a busy place with 1,577 patrons in a five-hour period. Of course, many were interested in the hamburger items and the research about Hamburger Charlie. The “Picture Yourself as Hamburger Charlie” exhibit was extremely popular. May people also found the programs from the Food Channel and Travel Channel to be of particular interest.

    Halloween Activities

    The historical society launched a new program this year with a pumpkin carving demonstration, scary stories, cider and snacks. Marge Coonen, the organizer of the event remarked, “We had a good turnout considering it was our first year and the weather was chilly. The kids enjoyed the scary stories told by Colleen Sutherland, and Steve Ashman was a big hit with the pumpkin carving demonstration. We then put all the Jack O’ Lanterns on display on Depot Street. They were quite a spectacle when they were all lighted up at night. Next year we will promote more and hold some of the activities inside.”

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