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DONATIONS AND NAMING RIGHTS - Jim Campbell of HOTH Donates $15,000.00 to Treasurer, Marge Coonen

DONATIONS AND NAMING RIGHTS - Jim Campbell of HOTH Donates $15,000.00 to Treasurer, Marge CoonenThe Home of the Hamburger, Inc. has donated over $17,000.00 to the new museum building fund.

What are the benefits of a new museum?

• A real “gem” for downtown Seymour
• Help preserve Seymour area history
• Bring more visitors into the city
• Naming rights available for rooms and exhibits
• Office and storage space for the Hist. society
• Office space for the Home of the Hamburger
• Interactive displays featuring Seymour history
• Youth activities and meeting space
• Indoor restrooms for Nagel Park
• A concession area open to Nagel Park
• Internet access for historical research
• Genealogy resources and advice available
• Picture file accessible to the public
• A gift shop featuring Seymour related items
• Back issues of the Seymour Press on file

How You Can Help

Donate $100,000 to become a Major Donor and earn naming rights to a large room. Your name or family name will be prominently displayed on the welcome plaque.

Donate $50,000 - $99,999 to join the Governor’s Club and naming rights to an office or room. Your name or family name will be prominently displayed on the welcome plaque.

Donate $25,000 - $49,999 to join the Senator’s Club and earn naming rights to a large display area or an introductory video. Your name or family name will be prominently displayed on the welcome plaque.

Donate $10,000 - $24,999 to become a Trailblazer and sponsor a smaller display area. Your name or family name will be prominently displayed on the welcome plaque.

Donate $5,000 - $9,999 to become an Explorer and sponsor a large picture or exhibit. Your name or family name will be prominently displayed on the welcome plaque.

Donate $2,500 - $4,999 to become a Pioneer and sponsor a smaller picture or display case. Your name or family name will be boldly displayed on the welcome plaque.

Donate $1,000 - $2,499 to become a Settler and your name listed in bold on the welcome plaque.

Donate $500.00 - $999 to become a Scout and your name listed in print on the welcome plaque

Donate $100.00 - $499 and your name will be listed under Additional Donors on the plaque.

Many of you have contributed toward the building fund in the past. We thank you! Perhaps you can do more to help us reach the challenge goal by June 1. If you would like to verify what you have donated previously, go to the Web site ( and click on “News” and scroll down to “Contributors”. Another method is to contact the historical society treasurer, Marge Coonen, Phone: 833-2656.

Would you like to advertise your business? What a great opportunity to have your business on display by sponsoring an exhibit or having it featured every time the creative introductory video narrated by Horatio Seymour is played. Check with the historical society for additional advertising and promotional opportunities.

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