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    Seymour Boasts One of Best Small Town Hotels in Wisconsin (1924)

    Seymour Boasts One of Best Small Town Hotels in Wisconsin (1924) The Falck Hotel fire of September, 1923 (Described in the History of the Fire Department Part 2) was a devastating blow to the downtown business district. Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. George Falck had the resources and determination to remodel the 25 year old facility making it “One Of Best Small Town Hotels In Wisconsin “ as described in the following article from the January 31, 1924 Appleton Post Crescent.

    Seymour Boasts One of Best Small Town Hotels in Wisconsin

    (Jan. 31, 1924)

    Within a week after a fire which caused $7,000.00 damage to the Falck Hotel at Seymour and which was prevented from destroying the entire structure only by the timely arrival of the Appleton fire department; Mr. and Mrs. George Falck, proprietors, had reopened the place to accommodate their patrons and immediately began a program of improvements which has made the hotel one of the most modern found in small cities.

    Improvements nearly completed include running water – hot and cold – in each room, large, modernly equipped baths, new furniture, new curtains, new blankets, redecorated walls, hardwood floors, rubber-tiled floors in dining room, lobby, wash room and halls, new ranges and new equipment in the kitchen. Full equipment of new furniture in upper story rooms, parlor, and lobby and new electric light fixtures.

    Mr. Falck moved to Seymour and opened up a saloon on Feb. 2, 1883. A number of businessmen preceded him but they have gone out of business and retired... In 1885, Falck built a frame building on the site of his present hotel which he opened up to the public as a saloon and hotel. In 1898, he built his present brick hotel which is a two story building, 60 by 180 feet in size...

    Under Cleveland’s administration, Mr. Falck was postmaster in Seymour four years. He represented one of the wards in the common council two years and served the city four consecutive years as mayor. For sixteen years he was foreman of the volunteer fire department and was a member twenty-one years. He acted as secretary of the Odd fellows Lodge twenty-six years, was trustee of the fair association since its origin thirty-nine years ago and is a stockholder and director of the State Bank of Seymour...

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