A capacity crowd of close to 100 people filled the upstairs meeting room of the Seymour Community Museum on Saturday, June 17. Seymour area native James G. Van Straten gave a well-received presentation about his experiences in Vietnam that he described in the recently published book: A Different Face of War. He related many personal stories about his interaction with the civilian and military population. The pictures from the book added to the clarity and poignancy of his narrative.
Author Colonel Van Straten was born in Appleton, WI. He is the oldest of seven children born to Glen and Caroline Van Straten of Black Creek, WI. Presently a resident of Texas Van Straten was pleased to see many relatives and classmates at the program.
After graduating from Seymour High School in 1951 he attended and graduated from St Norbert College with a B.S. degree in biology in 1955. He was also designated a Distinguished Military Graduate of the ROTC program and offered a commission in the Regular Army. He entered the Army Medical Department in 1955 and served over 30 years, achieving the grade of colonel in the Medical Service Corps.
Vietnam Experience
Colonel Van Straten’s military career included positions of responsibility in allied health education and administration. During the period from July 1966 to July 1967 he served as the Senior Medical Advisor to the South Vietnamese Army in the First Corps Tactical Zone of South Vietnam. In this capacity, he advised the Vietnamese Corps Surgeon on all administrative and logistical aspects of providing medical support to the South Vietnamese Army. He also served in a liaison capacity, coordinating actions between South Vietnamese medical units and American medical units operating in the First Corps Tactical Zone.
Following the program Colonel Van Straten signed books and renewed acquaintances with many friends in attendance. Overall it was a delightful program. The historical society thanks Colonel Van Straten for donating his time and expertise.