Music in the Park - 2019
John and Lynn Koenigs have put together another outstanding lineup for the summer concerts in the gazebo adjacent to the museum. Bring your lawn chair. Refreshments are available at the museum concession stand. Music starts at 6:15 p.m. every Wednesday evening. In case of rain, the program will be held at Wally’s.
June 19 Les James & Family - Seymour’s Favorite Son
June 26 TNG - The New Generation with Jeff Maroszek
July 3 Tom’s Tunes - Variety - Fun Entertainers
July 10 Jeff Kahn's Blind Date - Back for their 4th year
July 17 Rockin’ Country - Rob Wussow, Kevin Krahn and others
July 24 TNT Polka - Young Talent Kicking Off Polka Days
July 31 Irish Reunion Night - Jon, Sarah and Badgergrass from Green Bay.
Aug. 7 Rocker, Rocker, Rocker - Playing your favorite rock and roll hits.
Aug. 14 Gary and Thunder Country - The finest country band in Wisconsin
Aug. 21 Larry Wussow, Scott Skodinski and Andy Huettl - Hometown Musicians
Aug. 28 Chad Przybylski’s Polka Rhythm’s - Veterans Appreciation Night with
the Honor Guard from Post 106. Fireworks will follow the music. All
activities will be held at Rock Ledge Park. Bring your chairs and help
celebrate another great summer of music.