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2025 News



    SEYMOUR PRESS HIGHLIGHTS FROM 1947, 1962 AND 1971 Seymour Press News Highlights From 1947,1962 and 1971

    • Mrs. Ernest Shuster was named president of the 4-H Federation.
    • The Seymour Flying Club holds a rally with Mike Burns as Master of Ceremonies.
    • Elmer Mueller is named president of the Holstein Association.
    • The members of the St. John's Holy Name Society hold their annual card party.
    • The Kiwanis Club will sponsor the Soap Box Derby in June.
    • A total of 52 students had perfect attendance records at Seymour High School.
    • Claude Peotter was the highest scorer and named to the all-tournament team in the American Legion Tournament.
    • Lettuce is 2 heads for 21 cents.
    • The new Huettl Transportation bus line gives complete service to western Wisconsin.
    • The square-dancing club resumes group dancing.
    • Robert Wolk gets a National Science Foundation Grand.
    • A downtown auto show will be held with over 100 prizes given away.
    • The Seymour 4-H Club meets with Mrs. Walter Melchert in charge.
    • Members of the Seymour FFA returned from a two week tour that took them to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Ticonderoga, Hyde Park, Washington D.C., Gettysburg, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago.
    • Sheff's Alleys in Seymour is now open. A bowling meeting will be held on Friday.
    • George Tubbs who is in charge of the horse pulling announces that 30 teams are entered including: Maurice Barclay, Chris Roepcke, Art Bergsbaken, Louis Skinkis, Ed Noack, Mike and Joe Dugan, Orie Armitage, Ed Heagle and Marvin Krull.
    • A crowd of 15,000 attended the Outagamie County Fair on Sunday.
    • With the availability of electricity in rural areas many labor saving devices unheard of generations ago are now common. Such features include: Electric heating, tiled bathrooms, modern bath facilities, electric wash machines and deep freeze plants.
    • Marjorie Piehl receives University of Wisconsin Degree of Doctor of Medicine.
    • Drivers' Education will be taught at Seymour High School for the second consecutive year. Mr. Main and Mr. Pachett will be teaching the course.
    • Charles J. Cumicek of Cumicek Jewelers is a selected member of the American Diamond Guild.
    • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vande Hei are named outstanding young farmers by the Appleton Junior Chamber of Commerce.
    • Merchants plan a big day for the city-wide Dollar Days.
    • Don Reed elected Businessmen's president.
    • Steve Prelipp scores 36 points against Algoma.
    • TB tests to be given at grade schools.


    • Ben Truyman is the new mayor as a heavy vote is cast.
    • Everette Wilkenson and Sam Rettler are undefeated wrestlers for Seymour.
    • Lyle Laske, local art teacher, will instruct a beginning course for adults in background studies.
    • Richard Piehl is recipient of a scholarship from the National Science Foundation.
    • Seymour plays Hofa Park in the first Dairyland League game of the season.
    • Don's Plumbing to hold grand opening.
    • Don Fraser portraits receives state awards.
    • Ray Reis to play for the Junior Prom.
    • Tom Birling, president of the local FFA, is selected for a trip to Europe.
    • Free telephone service from Seymour to Nichols by 1963.
    • Robert Eisenreich is installed as new commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post.
    • Scout building plans are laid with Tom Landwehr of the building committee.
    • The Seymour Union High School and Seymour Elementary School will open August 30 with an enrollment of well over 1,000 students, 640 in the high school and 447 in the elementary school.
    • Sixty-five Seymour businessmen participated in the Prospector Daze Sidewalk Sale; there was a street dance, parade and crowning of the Prospector Princess as well as "Money from the Sky". Merchants placed television sets on the sidewalk. so football fans could watch the Packers-College All-Stars game.
    • The Seymour Press sent Barbara Gardner and Joan Stueflat to University Extension Journalism Workshop in Madison.
    • Swimming pool for Seymour discussed at an informal meeting at the high school. One per cent of sales at the Red Owl will go to the swimming pool fund.
    • PTA sees slides from Thailand. The Rev. Clark Gardner told of his life as a missionary in Thailand.
    • The Seymour Wrestling team beat Peshtigo 32-20 Monday evening at Peshtigo.


    • Seymour "Polka Time" will be a summer event.
    • Toll-free telephone service to Green Bay has been rescheduled for June, 1971
    • Kindergarten open house at Rock Ledge.
    • Open house at the new high school January 7.
    • Girls' basketball team beats Pulaski 81-21.
    • Carrie Hein received the Legion National Citation for her essay on Nicaragua.
    • Seymour basketball team edged Bay Port 82-77.
    • Steve Hill pitches tribe's first "perfect" no-hitter.
    • Seven speakers going to the State Forensics Contest.
    • Dave Hurley has purchased the Red Owl store from Carroll Rehn.
    • Ann Cismoski named Poppy Princess.
    • Successful snowmobile rally held by the Seymour Jaycees.
    • Rhonda Beilfuss is high scorer in girls' basketball game in beating Little Chute.
    • Tom Duffey, Jr. is the president of the Seymour basketball League with Jim Danforth, vice-president and Tim Huettl, secretary.
    • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobs are the new owners of the A&W Root Beer Stand in Seymour.
    • Private First Class Lyle M. Weyers reported to Sierra Army Depot, Calif. and will be assigned to the 980th Military Police Co.
    • New varsity cheerleaders are: Katie Huettl, Jean Brigham, Nancy Niespodzany, Barb Kielar, Teri Tech, Ann Melchert, Lauri Wenninger, Laurie Hein and Anne Lubinski.
    • The Seymour girls track team beat Pulaski 84-32.
    • Ray Nitschke to speak to high school students.
    • Taken in a burglary were 14 shotguns and rifles, valued at about $1,525, plus $50 from Ace Hardware, 119 N. Main St. Seymour.
    • Enrollment in Seymour Community Schools is up to 2,526 compared to 2,453 a year ago.
    • Seymour's first annual Polka Time was a huge success, according to all reports. An estimated 12,000 people watched the fifty-minute parade down Seymour's Main Street.
    • Nelson and Julie Agen, D.V.M. opened their Valley Veterinary Clinic on County trunk C just south of Seymour.
    • Mr. Ernest Schuster is the general supervisor of the construction of the school sponsored house being built on Park Lane by senior boys in the Capstone Construction Course at SCHS.
    • Dick Ladwig hands the keys of his former liquor store business to new owner Ronald Zahn.

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