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    MUSIC IN THE PARK 2010 - A SUMMARYMusic in the Park a Big Hit - Hauser's Hotshots (pictured)

    The National Weather Service in Green Bay has reported that this past summer was the wettest summer and the 14th warmest on record. The summer of 2010 will go down in the record books as warm and wet with record setting rainfall. 20.66 inches of rain fell, making this the wettest summer since 1914 when 18.89 inches fell.

    People who attended Wednesday nights Music in the Park at Nagel Park are very aware of this. They also have firsthand experience of hand-to-hand combat with the mosquitoes because of all the rain. This summer, three concerts were held at Wally’s Bowling Alley because of the weather, and the July 7th concert with Walt Hess and the Rim Shots was completely rained out. The Historical Society is grateful to Jim Beilfus and the staff at Wally’s for making the facility available.

    Overall, it was another successful summer concert series for the music at the gazebo in Nagel Park. The popular program organized by the Historical Society and sponsored by area businesses, averaged over 300 people in attendance for the outdoor programs, and through the raffle raised over $2,000.00 for the building fund.

    John and Lynn Koenigs, leaders of the KNX Party Band, arranged to have a variety of musicians perform on 15 Wednesday evenings starting on May 26 and concluding on September 1st. Fortunately, they have many contacts in the music field and are able to line up performers at a much lower fee than they normally receive. Universally, the performers say, “We enjoy the outdoor setting and the people of Seymour are a fun and appreciative audience.”

    It takes many volunteers to organize and produce the summer long program. A huge thank you for the members of the Historical Society who contributed their time popping popcorn, filling coolers, selling concessions, distributing raffle tickets, organizing the programs, and preparing the site for the performances. Special appreciation is extended to host Mike Keyzers and 50/50 raffle guru Dan Beilfuss.

    The music program started in May with the popular Les James and his classic hits, included folk music such as Lee Nimmer and Skip Jones, and big band vocals with the Chantelles. The audience was treated to numerous polka bands featuring several from Pulaski, country and rock hits with groups like Starwood, and old time favorites with the Bohemian Bunch. The summer program concluded with Tom’s Tunes and a variety of guests. Always popular, the veteran’s salute and corn roast, prepared by John Banker and Earl Marcks, attracted a large crowd that was entertained by Bernie’s Polka Band, Roger Hartwig, and Loren LeBlanc.

    Close to 500 people saw the Party Band under the big top. Thanks to the Home of the Hamburger, the huge tent provided welcome shade on a warm summer evening.

    The Historical Society is grateful to the bands, sponsors, and raffle winners who donated to the new museum building fund. Please patronize area businesses that sponsor the music and donate raffle prizes for everyone’s enjoyment.

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