Hotel Falck (the present Hotel Seymour)
Hotel Falck
(The Present Hotel Seymour)
Completed in 1898, the Hotel Falck was described in the Industrial Review of 1900 as having “metropolitan magnificence. The review went on to say:
“The hotel is built of red brick, two stories and basement high, 50 x 100 feet. The basement contains a barbershop, public bathrooms, storage rooms, heating apparatus, laundry, etc. The first floor is devoted to the office, parlor, dining room, kitchen, lavatory, bar room, sample rooms, servants’ quarters, etc. The second floor contains some thirty sleeping rooms, all richly furnished. The house is finished in maple and southern pine. Water and light are furnished from private plants, and the entire house is steam heated. The table accords with the superior air that pervades the entire hotel. It is first-class and the service is prompt and attentive.”
George Falck, who came to Seymour in 1881, owned the building. An enterprising man, Falck experienced early business success operating a smaller hotel. He took an active interest in public affairs serving four terms as mayor, was an alderman, postmaster, and chief of the fire department.