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    NEW FUNERAL EXHIBIT Through the generosity of the Kurt and Debbie Boettcher family an exciting new addition is coming to the funeral home exhibit. It will emphasize the influence Philip Muehl had during the early years of settlement. The Muehl family came to Seymour in the mid 1860s. Philip Muehl started a furniture store in 1867. The Muehl furniture store consisted of three buildings on Main and Factory Streets. The primary store, two stories and 22 x 72 feet, located on the west side of central Main Street was a Seymour landmark for many years. In 1873 he added a undertaking and casket company.

    Philip Muehl was one of the most active businessmen in Seymour around the turn of the century. In addition to furniture and the funeral home, he handled carpets, wallpaper, toys, bicycles, sewing machines, and numerous other household items. When he retired, his son, Harvey took over his affairs. Mr. Muehl was active in the community. He served as city treasurer and treasurer of the school board. He resided on Factory Street, one block east of Main. The new exhibit will feature Philip Muehl appearing through use of cutting edge hologram technology. A hologram is a picture of a "whole" object, showing it in three dimensions.

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