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2025 News


    Seymour During World War One

    Seymour During World War OneWork or Fight
    According to a proclamation made by Provost Marshall General Crowder last week all men hereafter "Must do a man's work or fight." This rule operative July 1, provides that all loafers and men not in useful occupations listed in the third draft class, must engage in useful war work or be drafted in the fighting service.
    The County Council of Defense is already in line with the movement and have notified officials in each city, village and town in the county to report the names of all able bodied persons over the age of 18 not usefully employed. the order is most sweeping in its scope and will seize at once upon all gamblers, racetrack men, waiters, bartenders, club, hotel and apartment attendants, persons engaged in games, sports and amusements (with some exceptions), domestic servants and other clerks of department stores and mercantile establishments. Dependency exemptions will not protect the men thus classified. Local Boards will conduct the weeding-out process. They are empowered to summon before them all idlers and nonessential workers listed above, giving them a chance to explain their pursuance of nonuseful war occupations and if they fail, to draft them into the army.

    All relatives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins of the boys in the service if the United States either at home or abroad are requested to meet at Dean's Hall. Friday evening, June 7 at 8:00.
    E.C. Smith

    President, Loyalty Legion

    The Town Cop
    Sh-h-h Don't wake the cop! He's all tired out from catching criminals. The town is asleep. But it has nothing on the cop. When the cop sees this will he throw the Editor in the Booby Hatch? Nope the cop is a good natured cuss and stands for lots. That's why everyone likes him.
    To Dog Owners
    Take notice that your dog tax is due and must be paid by June 1, or prosecutions will follow.
    August Wolk, Chief of Police

    Rose Lawn News
    Mrs. Mina Marsh of Mountain visited the past week with relatives here and in Seymour.
    Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heagle and little son of Manitowoc visited at the home of R. Heagle last week.
    James Marsh spent a few days with relatives and friends.
    Miss Marie Swaller closed a very successful term of school last week and left for her home at Birnnamwood Monday.
    Miss Amy Courtice of Wabeno is visiting at the home of George Andrews.
    Miss Marie Swallow gave a program on Decoration Day. The children marched from the school house to the church carrying old glory and a service flag while singing national hymns.
    After the program they marched to the cemetery and decorated the graves of the old soldiers. William Crofoot, the only old soldier left, led the procession.
    John Leisch and sons Harvey and Norman, Mrs. Harvey Ward and Mrs. G.E. Mott were at Green Bay Sunday to see Mrs. Leisch who was at St. Vincent's hospital for an operation on her hand.
    The proceeds from the Red Cross sale Sunday night were $95.00.

    Simple Wash Removes Rings Under Eyes
    Seymour people will be surprised how quickly pure Lavoptik eye wash relieves blood shot eyes and dark circles under the eyes. One young man who had eye trouble and dark rings under his eyes was relieved with ONE WASH of Lavoptik. His sister who had eye strain was cured in just three days. Lavoptik is guaranteed to benefit EVERY CASE of weak or inflamed eyes.
    John Kitzinger, druggist

    Flanders Mud

    The following is a Manchausen tale (exaggerated story) showing the quality of the mud on the battlefield.
    A soldier walking along a road noticed a hat, which he attempted to kick out of the mud. He was surprised to find a head under it and a voice calling for help.
    When the man was extricated he said: "I was on horseback." So together they proceeded to dig out the horse. The horse's mouth was full of hay taken from a wagon that had sunk even farther down.

    Big Army Bill Is Passed
    Authorizes President to Call into Military Service All Men Who Can Be Trained and Equipped.
    Washington, June 3 ---- The largest annual army appropriations bill in history, totaling $12,041, 682,000.00 and authorizing the president to call into service all men who can be trained and equipped, was passed on Friday by the house and sent to the senate.
    The house broke its record for speed on the army bill by passing it after only three days of debate. The measure is framed to provide for an army of 3,000,000 men during the coming year, in accordance with the government's revised program for rushing soldiers to France.

    Call 200,00 in June Draft

    U.S. Officials Plan to Enroll Nation's Registrants for 22 Camps in a Five Day Period.

    Louisville, Ky. June 1 --- Word has been received from the war department that 200,000 men will be inducted into military service through the draft and sent to 22 camps throughout the country during the five day period beginning June 24, 1918.
    To Prevent Belching
    Make it a regular habit of eating slowly, masticate your food thoroughly and you may have no further trouble. If you should. take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper.
    150,000 Have Grip in Spain

    Madrid, June 1 ----The epidemic which is sweeping over Spain, a disease which somewhat resembles grip (grippe), is increasing in severity. There are more than 150,000 cases in Madrid. The mortality however is low.

    Chronic Constipation.
    Perhaps you have never thought of it, but this disorder is caused by lack of moisture in the residual matter of your food. If you will drink an abundance of water, eat raw fruits and take lots of outdoor exercise, you may be able eventually to overcome it entirely. In the meantime use the most mild and gentle laxatives. Strong and harsh cathartics take too much water out of the system and make a bad matter worse. Chamberlain's Tablets are easy and pleasant to take. Try some.

    A Victim Of The War
    From the museum archives

    Born in the town of Seymour, Wisconsin in 1888. Robert Gerhardt Krause lived with his parents up to September 18, 1917, when he was called "To The Colors." Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krause received the sad news Tuesday, November 26, 1918 that their son Robert had died of combat wounds somewhere in the Argonne in France on October 10, 1918, only one month before the armistice.
    The Meuse-Argonne Offensive was the largest operation of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in World War I, with over a million American soldiers participating. It was also the deadliest campaign in American history, resulting in over 26,000 soldiers being killed in action (KIA) and over 120,000 total casualties.
    It was fought from September 26, 1918, until the Armistice of November 11, 1918, a total of 47 days. The influx of fresh American troops late in the war was instrumental to the German defeat.

    Arthur Otto In World War One
    Arthur Otto of Seymour was a passenger on the first ship that was sunk carrying American troops into battle in WWI. Otto survived and served as a cook for the 32nd Division that arrived in France in 1918. His division was the sixth U.S. division to join the Allied Expeditionary Force.
    Mr. Otto worked at the Seymour Creamery and is the great uncle of Duane, Chuck and Mitch Miller.
    His ship, the Tuscania. left Hoboken, New Jersey January 24. 1918 carrying 2,013 troops and a crew of 384. The ship was spotted by a German submarine that fired two torpedoes sinking the ship. Most of the men including Mr. Otto were saved by accompanying destroyers. The loss of 230 men caused anti-German sentiment in the United States and area to intensify.

    The Spanish Flu 1918
    The Spanish Flu had an huge impact on World War One. In 1918 it ravaged the battlefield where men were living in unsanitary conditions in close quarters. After the armistice on November 11, 1918 the epidemic continued for another year.
    The United States army suffered 53,402 of the estimated 9 million combat deaths in WWI and another 63,114 U.S. soldiers fell victim to the flu. By the end of 1919 the epidemic claimed 50 million deaths worldwide including 675,000 in the United States.
    A number of Seymour area residents paid the ultimate price in the war and the flu also was a serious villain. Outagamie County recorded 124 deaths, including two younger sisters of Lowell Veitch.
    The incubation period and the onset of symptoms were so short that apparently healthy people in the prime of their lives were suddenly overcome, and within an hour could become helpless with fever, delirium and chills. Additional symptoms were severe headache, pain in muscles and joints, hair loss, acute congestion, and temperatures of 101 F to 105 F.
    The most unusual pathologic finding was massive pulmonary edema and/or hemorrhage. This was a unique viral pneumonia – a patient could be convalescing one day and dead the next. Those who did not die of the 1918 influenza, often died of secondary bacterial pneumonia.
    On October 10, 1918, the first order from Dr. C.A. Harper, the Wisconsin State Health Officer, advised an immediate closing of all schools, churches, theatres, and other places of amusement and public gatherings for an indefinite time-period On October 12, 1918, six clergymen posted an announcement to the ordering churches closed per the request of the health department and the State of Wisconsin.

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